Look for the employee at Member tab, click on the name and you will be redirected to their profile. Beside their picture are two buttons: Public Message and Private Message.
If you click on Public Message or Mention, your message shall be seen by other users
Note: You can mention multiple users by indicating ‘@’ sign plus their username (username is firstname.middlename.lastname) in your post.
For example: “@janika.concon.vergara and @guinette.louise.malinao.mongado, congratulation for winning the Binggo last Friday!”
If you click on Private Message, you can send message to single user
Input the subject and your message, click on Choose file button to attach file with type (png, jpg, jpg, pdf, zip, rar). In sending multiple files or other file type like document and excel file, compress it to a single file using winrar or winzip. To send the message, click on Send Message button.
You can also send an instant message through the chat module
In the lower right hand side of the monitor, you can send messages and emoticons all the logged in users
View chat history can be found in the chat setting
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